Post by a Detransitioned Female About Youth, Mental Illness, & the Internet That Mental Health Professionals Should Read

Gender Health Query


A young, detransitioned woman has written two articles about how trans identification, eating disorders, and mental illness in general, are justified and fueled by Internet culture and by Tumblr (a blogging platform many young people use) in particular. Some of these subjects are covered on sections on social influences on the GHQ website (here and here and here).

GHQ covers in the linked sections the data that shows an increase in mental illnesses in young females, including increases in self-harming, suicide attempts, and hospital admittance. Mental health professionals and parents should be aware of what is happening with mental health and the influences of the internet. Many metal health issues, including suicide risk and eating disorders, are known to work as social contagions. Helena, the author, writes very perceptively and eloquently and has put her discussion in the context of other research on these issues.

“Tumblr — A Call-Out Post”

“How Mental Illness Becomes Identity: Tumblr, a Callout Post, Part 2”


Tumblr — A Call-Out Post. (2019, March 20). Retrieved from

How Mental Illness Becomes Identity: Tumblr, a Callout Post, Part 2. (2019, August 13). Retrieved from