Coach Pushes Back Against Dysphoric Males Competing on Girls' Sports Teams


Conflicts between people who do not accept a gender dysphoric male is literally a girl and those who want trans people to live fully as the gender they identify with are going to continue. A coach in Hawaii is refusing to accept the argument males who identify as girls should displace girls’ positions on sports teams. Government agencies are increasingly changing rules to allow this.

One girls volleyball coach in Hawaii is standing up to the Hawaii High School Athletic Association's (HHSAA) policy allowing male students to participate in female sporting activities so long as they self-identify as the opposite gender.

A coach made a statement anonymously:

In my opinion, it's very irresponsible for the league to place these young women, who are minors, in an elevated level of risk," the coach said. "They all sign off on an assumption of risk form for an understandable amount of risk. Now, there's an elevated level of risk their daughters are going through and being put through without any notification to the parents at all.

The coach added that he takes no issue with the boy wanting to be whom he wishes and only cares about the girls' safety. "I have no problem with the kid being who (they) want to be, but now these girls are being put in an unsafe situation without giving the parents the opportunity to make an educated decision on whether they want their daughter in that position," he said.

A comment from a trans activist:

Tiare Sua, a man presenting himself as a woman and who works at the Maui AIDS Foundation, told Maui News that it's ultimately sexist to believe that men are inherently stronger than women.

There is more information on the GHQ website about conflicts with gender ideology (with its roots in postmodern queer theory) in the section Rights conflicts and safety concerns. Gender ideology states that biological sex is based on self-identification and that there are multiple genders.


Bois, Paul. (2019, August 25). Girls Volleyball Coach Rejects School District’s Transgender Inclusion Policy. The Daily Wire. Retrieved from

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In Trans Identity Politics Tags trans ideology, girls rights, trans sports